
最佳影片 Motion Picture of the Year
王者之聲:宣戰時刻 The King's Speech
伊恩康寧、艾米爾薛曼、葛斯昂文製片 Iain Canning, Emile Sherman and Gareth Unwin, Producers




What an incredible, incredible honor. What an amazing year for film. To be with those other films in that category is just absolutely incredible. Tom Hooper, you put so much passion and love into every frame of this film. Thank you directing the film. To our acting royalty, Colin, Geoffrey, Helena, thank you so much for saying yes. To our amazing best of British crew, so amazing to share the stage with you tonight. And to my parents, and to my boyfriend Ben, you help me everyday do what I do. Thank you. (Iain Canning) 

To have been part of a film that's touched and moved people so much all around the world has been just a huge privilege and we're indebted to everyone standing behind us and you know, our financiers took a huge risk on this film. It's not an obvious film to back, to our distribution partners, the Weinstein Company, Harvey and Bob Weinstein, Momentum Pictures, and Transmission Films, your passion and commitment to this film, the UK Film Council, Aegis Film Fund, Molinare, Filmnation. Thank you to all our financiers and personally to my wife, Caroline, and my parents Brian and Jean for your love and support, my little boys, Milo, Zack, and Cy, thank you so much. Thank you. (Emile Sherman) 

Just a massive thank you to the UK Film Council, for supporting this film and David Seidler for trusting us with his heartfelt story. Rosie, I love you. Simon, thank you for supporting me over the years, but thank you Academy, this is a boyhood ambition come true tonight. (Gareth Unwin)

最佳男主角 Actor in a Leading Role
柯林佛斯 王者之聲:宣戰時刻 Colin Firth in The King's Speech


I have a feeling my career has just peaked. My deepest thanks to the Academy. I'm afraid I have to warn you that I'm experiencing stirrings. Somewhere in the upper abdominals which are threatening to form themselves into dance moves. Joyous as they may be for me, it would be extremely problematic if they make it to my legs before I get off stage. So I'm going to do my best to be brief with my gratitude first for being on this extraordinary list of fellow nominees. Something quite formidable and possibly the greatest honor of this. All the crew and my fellow cast members, those who are not here, and those who are, Geoffrey, Helena, and Guy, whose virtuosity made it very very difficult for me to be as bad as I was planning to be. And David Seidler whose own struggles have given so many people the benefit of his very beautiful voice and Tom Hooper for the immense courage and clear sightedness with which he interpreted that. The men who finessed this to the screen, Gareth, Emile, Iain, Xavier, and of course, Harvey, who first took me on 20 years ago when I was a mere child sensation. And all the people who have been rooting for me back home. Also Jessica Kolstad, my friend, Paul Lyon-Maris, and Chris Andrews for bearing with me through some of the less fortunate moments as well as the good ones and my very fortunate friendship with Tom Ford who to whom I owe a very big piece of this. And to the Anglo-Italian-American-Canadian axis, which makes up my family and Livia for putting up with my fleeting delusions of royalty and who I hold responsible for this and for really everything that's good that's happened since I met her. Now if you'll all excuse me, I have some impulses I have to tend to backstage. Thank you very much.

最佳女主角 Actress in a Leading Role
娜塔莉波曼 黑天鵝 Natalie Portman in Black Swan


Thank you so much to the Academy this is insane and I truly sincerely wish that the prize tonight was to get to work with my fellow nominees. I'm so in awe of you. I'm so grateful to get to do the job that I do. I love it so much. I want to thank my parents, who are right there, first and foremost for giving me my life and for giving me the opportunity to work from such an early age and showing me everyday how to be a good human being by example. And I want to thank my team who works with me every day. Aleen Keshishian, my manager, for 18 years and my agents Kevin Huvane and everyone at CAA. Bryna and Tamar at ID, my friends who are everything to me no matter what's going on in my career. And everyone who has ever hired me, Luc Besson, who gave me first job when I was 11 years old. Mike Nichols, who has been my hero and my champion for the past decade and now Darren Aronofsky, you are a fearless leader, a visionary. I am blessed to have just gotten to get to work with you every day for the period of time we did. So many people helped me prepare for this role. Mary Helen Bowers spent a year with me, training me, Michelle Rodriguez and Kurt Froman and Olga Kostritzky, Marina Stavitskaya, and my beautiful love Benjamin Millepied, who choreographed the film and has now given me my most important role of my life. And also there are people on films who no one ever talks about that are your heart and soul every day. Margie and Geordie who did my hair and makeup, Nicci, who dressed me, and Kate and Laura Mulleavy, who designed the beautiful ballet costumes, Joe Reidy, our incredible AD, first AD, and our camera operators J.C. and Steve who gave me so much soul behind the camera everyday you gave me all of your energy. Most importantly, my family, my friends, and my love. Thank you so much.

最佳導演 Achivement in Directing
湯姆胡波 王者之聲:宣戰時刻 Tom Hooper for The King's Speech


Wow, thank you to all the members of the Academy. This is an extraordinary honor. I'd like to congratulate my fellow nominees, Darren, David, David, Joel, and Ethan. Your work this year has been extraordinary. I'm honored to be nominated alongside you. Thank you to my wonderful actors. The triangle of man love which is Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush, and me. I'm only here because of you guys and Helena, I hope that reference doesn't make you too jealous. Thank you to all my cast, to my wonderful crew, to my producers, Iain, Gareth, and Emile, to David Seidler, whose extraordinary journey from childhood stammerer to the stage of the Kodak I find so profoundly moving. Most of all, thank you to my parents, my mum and dad, who are in the audience tonight. And I know there's been a lot of thanking of mums, but this is slightly different because my mum in 2007 was invited by some Australian friends, she's Australian in London, to a fringe theater play reading of an unproduced, unrehearsed play called "The King's Speech." Now she's never been invited to a play reading in her entire life before, she almost didn't go because it didn't sound exactly promising, but thank God she did because she came home, rang me up and said, "Tom, I think I found your next film." So with this tonight, I honor you, and the moral of the story is listen to your mother.

最佳原創歌曲 Original Song
"We Belong Together" 玩具總動員3 Music and Lyric by Randy Newman for Toy Story 3
I'm very grateful for this and surprised. My percentages aren't great. I've been nominated 20 times and this is the 2nd time I won. At the Academy, at the lunch they have for the nominees, where they have like a Randy Newman chicken by this time, the, Mr. Mischer said that it's not really good television to take a list out of your pocket and thank a lot of people. It's not my style anyway, but it is in this case. I mean to have worked for Pixar doing the six pictures I've done, this one Lee Unkrich and worked with Mitchell Froom, Chris Montan at Disney. I just have to thank these people. I don't want to, I want to be good television so badly, as you can see. I've been on this show any number of times and I've slowed it down almost every time. No wonder they only nominate 4 songs, what about cinematography. So there's 5. They could find a fifth song from someone. But hell with it. Think it might have beat me. Anyway, I thank you all very much for this. The Academy has been enormously kind to me as has the Music Branch and I love you all. Thank you very much.

最佳影片剪輯 Achivement in Film Editing
科克巴克斯特、安格斯沃 社群網戰 Kirk Baxter and Angus Wall for The Social Network
We want to thank everybody that Aaron thanked, first and foremost and a special thank you to David, who, it's indescribable working with you and thank you for starting my career 20 odd years ago. Also, a big thank you to our wives, who allow us to have incredibly passionate love affairs with our families and our work. (Angus Wall) 

To my daughter, Bronte, find something you truly love doing and great things can happen. The hard part is, you got to meet someone like Fincher. Cheers. (Kirk Baxter) 

And thanks very much to the Academy. (Angus Wall)

最佳視覺效果 Achivement in Visual Effects
保羅法蘭克林、克里斯柯布、安德魯拉克利、彼得貝 全面啟動 Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley and Peter Bebb for Inception
Well, it feels like that top is still spinning, but I don't really care anymore. Thank you very much Chris, Emma, Warner Bros. Thank you to my producers Matt Plummer and Mike Chambers. Thank you to the brilliant visual effects team at Double Negative back in London. And to my amazing wife and our wonderful kids. My mum and dad back in Cheshire, and to the Academy for this. (Paul Franklin) 

Hi, I just want to share this with my amazing special effects teams in Los Angeles, Canada, France, Morocco, and my great crew in the UK. And also to their families for their support especially my wife, Lynne, and the kids. Great, thank you. (Chris Corbould)

最佳紀錄長片 Documentary (Feature) 
Inside Job
Forgive me, I must start by pointing out that three years after a horrific financial crisis caused by massive fraud, not a single financial executive has gone to jail and that's wrong. Thank you, but this is, this is also, this is about the movies, in fact, and that's what this is. So, thank you all for this profound honor. You've made us very, very happy. Thank you all. Let the record show, I'm not wearing jeans. (Charles Ferguson) 

Having only made two films, I still feel that Charles and I are newcomers to this community, but from the beginning we've been made to feel incredibly welcome and supported for which I'm immensely grateful. Thank you so much to the Academy and to Sony Classics, Michael and Tom, and much love and gratitude to my family. Thank you so much. (Audrey Marrs)

最佳實景短片 Short Film (Live Action)
God of Love
I should have gotten a haircut. Hey everybody. Thanks to the Academy for this amazing honor. I need to salute my fellow nominees Tanel, Michael, Ian, and Ivan. I invite the world to check out these films that you can find them on iTunes. I think that you're going to love them. Also, thanks to everyone at NYU's graduate film program. First among them, Bobby Webster, my cinematographer, Gigi Dement, Stefanie Walmsley, Ryan Silbert, Steve Dibianco, my actors Marian Brock, Chris Hirsh, Emily Young, also Levi Abrino, Rob Meyer, Casey Smith, Nick Ordway, the rest of the crew, which I'll thank on like the thank you cam or something they do after that, everyone at Paradigm, Ouat Media, and finally my mother, who did craft services for the film, my dad, the great state of Delaware, and last, but not least, my brilliant composer, and the love of my life, Sasha Gordon. You're my dream come true.

最佳紀錄短片 Documentary (Short Subject) 
Strangers No More
Wow, what a great year for docs. Thank you most of all to the exceptional immigrant and refugee children from 48 countries at Tel Aviv's remarkable Bialik-Rogozin School. You've shown us that through education, understanding, and tolerance, peace really is possible. (Karen Goodman) 

Love and gratitude to our visionary executive producer Lin Arison, HBO's finest, Sheila Nevins, our co-producer and editor Nancy Baker, cinematographer, Buddy Squires, the courageous principal, Karen Tal, the children who opened their hearts to us and the precious Oliver and Allegra Simon. (Kirk Simon)

最佳服裝設計 Costume Design
柯琳艾特伍 魔境夢遊 Colleen Atwood for Alice for Wonderland
Thank you to the Academy and especially to my fellow nominees who are just so much fun to sit with tonight and who have been so supportive, it's great to be part of such a great group of people. The story, "Alice in Wonderland," was described by its publisher in 1865 as a story valued for its rare imagination, priceless humor, and power to transport the reader into a world of pure fantasy, a gift to us all. The heart of any movie lies with the director and I've been incredibly lucky on this and many films to work with the singular Tim Burton. Tim's imagination along with the amazing cast Johnny's incandescent Hatter, Mia's Alice for all girls, all times, Helena's the fearless big headed Queen, and our crystalline snowflake princess, Anne Hathaway, made my job a delight. We had the support of a production team headed by Richard Zanuck and Katterli Frauenfelder. Supported by Joe Roth, Suzanne and Jen Todd, and Disney, but I couldn't have done it without my team Christine Cantella and my entire group. Thank you all very much.

最佳化妝 Achivement in Makeup
瑞克貝克、戴夫艾西 狼嚎再起 Rick Baker and Dave Elsey for The Wolfman
Oh man, I'm smiling so big, my face hurts. I just want to thank my beautiful wife, Silvia, for knowing me so well and for being so right. I'm so glad I listened to you honey. Go Dave. (Rick Baker) 

Crikey. Thank you to Benicio Del Toro, to Anthony Hopkins, also to Universal Studios for their legacy of horror monsters that we love so much. Thank you to our entire crew and thank you to my beautiful wife, Lou. I love you. It was always my ambition to lose an Oscar one day to Rick Baker, this is better. Thank you. (Dave Elsey)

最佳音效剪輯 Achivement in Sound Editing
李察金 全面啟動 Richard King for Inception
I owe this 1000 percent to Chris Nolan. As artists and crafts people it's all about the opportunities we get and I just want to thank you Chris, wherever you are for making great movies and inviting me along for the ride. I want to thank Lee Smith, Emma Thomas, my sound editing crew, who I share this award with, Lora, Gary, and Ed, who were just here, and all my love to my wife, Sue, and my son, Sam. Thank you.

最佳混音 Achivement in Sound Mixing
蘿拉赫許柏、蓋瑞A.瑞佐、艾德諾維克 全面啟動 Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo and Ed Novick for Inception
Oh my gosh, this is, this is unbelievable. Thank you, thank you to all the Academy voters. Thank you to our family and our wonderful wives, Susan, Laura and Jennifer. We need to thank everybody at Warner Bros Post-Production and we need to thank all the hard working boom operators and utility sound people that worked on the production crew. Union, of course. We need to, you know we really, we share this award with Lee Smith with Richard King with Michael Babcock, with Alex Gibson, Alan Meyerson, Hans Zimmer, and of course, the mighty Christopher Nolan. Chris is the architect with the soundtrack in every way. He is the creative force behind every decision that we made and so this is as much of a win for him as it is for us. So congratulation Chris, and thank you very much. (Gary Rizzo)

最佳原創配樂 Original Score
川特瑞斯諾、阿提克斯羅斯 社群網戰 Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross for The Social Network
Wow, is this really happening? When we finished work on "The Social Network," we were very proud of our work and happy just to be involved in this film. And to be standing up here in this company is humbling and flattering beyond words. I'd like to especially thank the Academy for recognizing our work here and David Fincher. David Fincher, thank you so much for the opportunity. Also like to thank my wonderful wife, Mariqueen, I love you so much. (Trent Reznor) 

Time's nearly out, so I'm going to improvise a little. David, everyone who brought the film to life, thank you so much. Trent, I think you're a genius, a great friend, and a genius. My wonderful wife, Claudia, and our three children. I love you. Thank you. (Atticus Ross)

最佳男配角 Actor in a Supporting Role
克里斯汀貝爾 燃燒鬥魂 Christian Bale in The Fighter

我的天啊。哇,這真是個群英雲集一堂的場合,我和你們在這邊做什麼?這真是一項榮譽。大衛O.羅素真是個精神可敬的人,尤其是在片場上,簡直出神入化,非常感謝你的努力讓我們這些演員有了意義,我的意思是,這是導演的工作將表演傳遞給觀眾而讓它具有意義,為此我感謝你。也為此感謝我們的剪接師潘蜜拉馬丁。我們每位演員不可思議的表現。梅麗莎,我不會像她一樣爆 "F" 口,我之前已經爆過很多次了。艾美、傑克、讓這所有一切從頭開始步上軌道的老兄,馬克。感謝在洛威爾的每個人,所有當地的演員、迪基和米基,我的夥伴你在哪裡?他在上面嗎?迪基在台下某處,你在嗎?你是最棒的。你是最棒的。我等不及了。聽著,他有最棒的故事,而我等不及看他故事中的下一章。如果你想,如果你想成為一個冠軍,如果你想被他訓練就去見他吧,,上吧,瞧瞧他好嗎,他值得這一切。感謝我們的製片們,馬克、大衛、陶德,不可思議。感謝相對論影業和派拉蒙推出本片、讓大家知道它的存在。世界上有太多超棒卻沒人知道的電影,所以我們今晚在此並獲得肯定非常幸運。感謝我的團隊,由派屈克領導,還有布墨和卡洛斯和珍和安娜和茱莉,非常感謝你們所做的一切。還有當然最重要的,我很棒的太太,我並沒料到我會有這般成就,我很棒的太太是引導我度過人生風風雨雨的船桅,我希望我對你也有一樣的意義親愛的,和我們的小女兒,她教我遠多過我能教她的一切,謝謝你們,非常感謝你們。

Bloody hell. Wow, what a room full of talented and inspirational people and what the hell am I doing here in the midst of you? It's such an honor. David O. Russell, what a great spirit, you know, on the set. Just fantastic, and thank you so much mate for making the work that all of us actors did actually mean something. You know, I mean that's the director's job of translating it to the audience and making it mean something. Thank you for that. Thank you to Pamela Martin, likewise, as our editor. The just incredible work of every actor. Melissa, I'm not going to drop the f-bomb like she did, I've done that plenty before. Amy, Jack, Mark, man, you know the guy who just got this whole thing going right from the get go. Everybody in Lowell, all the actors from there. Dicky and Micky, where my quacker? Is he up there? Dicky's out there somewhere mate, eh mate? You're the best. You're the best. I can't wait, and listen. He's had a wonderful story and I can't wait to see the next chapter of his story, you know? If you wanna, if you wanna be a champ, if you wanna get trained with him go meet with him., go do it. Check him out, ok. Alright, he deserves it. Our producers, Mark, David, Todd, incredible. Relativity, and Paramount for just pushing this out there and letting people know it exists. So many movies are just brilliant but nobody ever knows about them, you know. So we're so lucky to be here tonight and have people recognize that. My team, led by Patrick and Boomer and Carlos and Jen and Anna and Julie, thank you so much for everything that you do. And of course mostly, my wonderful wife, I didn't think I was like this. My wonderful wife who's my mast through the storms of life, I hope I'm likewise to you darling and our little girl who's taught me so much more than I'll ever be able to teach her. Thank you, thank you so much.

最佳外語片 Foreign Language Film
丹麥 更好的世界 蘇珊娜畢爾 Denmark, In a Better World, Susanne Bier


This is a real Oscar? Thank you so much, the Academy, what an honor. I am so truly honored and grateful and happy, thank you very much. I really need to congratulate my fellow nominees whose movies were amazing. And I really want to thank Tom Bernard and Michael Barker at Sony Classics for believing so strongly "In a Better World." All my, all my creative partners whether they are in this room or in Denmark or Sweden, this one belongs to all of you as much as it belongs to me. Thank you very much.

最佳原著劇本 Original Screenplay
大衛賽德勒 王者之聲:宣戰時刻 David Seidler for The King's Speech 

編劇家的演講,這令我惶恐。我父親一直和我說:「你會大器晚成。」我相信我是這項獎年紀最大的贏家。我希望這個紀錄能很快並經常地被打破。我想感謝我的女兒瑪雅、我的兒子馬克對他們的爸爸這麼有信心,一如我對他們。我也想感謝我的製片們、我的導演、我的演員,有太多人(要感謝)而他們已經在催我收尾了。我很抱歉,我想感謝女皇陛下沒因為我用了梅麗莎里歐的 "F" 字而把我關進倫敦塔。我代表世界上所有的口吃症患者領取這座獎。我們有聲音,我們被聽到了,謝謝你們影藝學院。

The writer's speech, this is terrifying. My father always said to me, I would be a late bloomer. I believe I am the oldest person to win this particular award. I hope that record is broken quickly and often. I'd like to thank my daughter, Maya, my son, Mark, for having faith in their dad as I have faith in you. And I would like to thank my producers, my director, my cast, there's so many people and they are saying "wrap up now." I'm sorry. I would like to thank her Majesty, the Queen, for not putting me in the Tower of London for using the Melissa Leo "f" word. And I accept this on behalf of all the stutterers throughout the world. We have a voice, we have been heard, thanks to you the Academy.

最佳改編劇本 Adapted Screenplay
艾倫索金 社群網戰 Aaron Sorkin for The Social Network

感謝你們。很難形容接到35年前派迪查耶夫斯基以另一部片名中有 "network" (螢光幕後)得到的同一項獎的感覺。他的是一部原著劇本,這是改編自班梅茲瑞克的書的劇本,所以我也代表他領取這座獎。有許多人已經和我一同共事很久了,這似乎是個感謝他們的好時機。我的助理羅倫洛曼、我的研究員伊恩萊克巴赫、我受盡折磨的媒體發言人裘依費西利,和所有在Prime的女士們、瑞奇海勒、比爾坦納、安迪佛薛、我從沒洩我底並洩漏我願意免費效力於這部電影的經紀人阿里艾曼紐和傑森史畢茲和創造我的人生好讓我能成為今晚一部分的我的爸媽。我寫了這部電影,但大衛芬奇創造了這部電影並以無上的藝術感完成了它。通常這麼有才華的人不會是世界上最好相處的人,但他卻是,並藉由艾美帕斯卡、麥克林頓、和索尼裡每位把拍好這部電影視為唯一任務的人,他創造出這部每個編劇夢想中的電影。從黛娜布奈提、席昂夏芬、麥可德路卡,和美國尚在世的製片中最棒的一位,史考特魯汀和從傑西艾森柏、安德魯加菲爾、賈斯汀廷柏雷克、阿米漢默、還是阿米漢默、拉許達瓊斯、露妮瑪拉,和一群跟隨他們精益求精的領導的卡司和團隊。這部電影將是在我餘生中讓我在每一天感到榮耀的來源並無法回報的禮物,我所能說的只是謝謝你們。蘿克西索金,你父親剛贏了奧斯卡金像獎,我將必須堅持從你的天竺鼠身上得到一些尊重。非常感謝你們。

Thank you. It's impossible to describe what it feels like to be handed the same award that was given to Paddy Chayefsky 35 years ago for another movie with "network" in the title. His was an original screenplay, this is an adaptation of a book by Ben Mezrich, so I'm accepting this on his behalf as well. There are a lot of people who've worked hard in my corner for a long time, it seems like the right moment to thank them. My assistant Lauren Lohman, my researcher, Ian Reichbach, my long suffering press rep, Joy Fehily, and all the women of Prime, Rich Heller, Bill Tanner, Andy Forshay, my agents Ari Emanuel and Jason Spitz who never blow my cover and reveal that I would happily do this for free and my Mom and Dad, who made a life for me where I get to be a part of nights like this. I wrote this movie, but David Fincher made this movie and he did it with an ungodly artfulness. Someone this talented has no business being the nicest guy in the world, but he is and he made the movie of any screenwriter's dreams he had help from Amy Pascal, Michael Lynton, and everyone at Sony whose only mandate was to make it good. From Dana Brunetti, Ceán Chaffin, Mike De Luca, and America's best living film producer, Scott Rudin and from Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake, Armie Hammer, Armie Hammer again, Rashida Jones, Rooney Mara, and a cast and crew that followed their leaders example that good enough was never good enough. This movie is going to be a source of pride for me every day for the rest of my life that is an un-repayable gift all I can say is thank you. Roxy Sorkin, your father just won the Academy Award, I'm going to have to insist on some respect from your guinea pig. Thank you very much.

最佳動畫長片 Animated Feature Film
玩具總動員3 李昂克瑞契 Toy Story 3, Lee Unkrich
Oh boy. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but thank you to the Academy. I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for the vision of three incredible guys. John Lasseter, Ed Catmull, and Steve Jobs, the founders of Pixar Animation Studios, which by the way, is the most awesome place on the planet to make movies. To my producer, Darla Anderson, screenwriter Michael Arndt, my cast and crew, everyone at Disney and Pixar, every single person who had absolutely anything to do with making Toy Story 3 and getting it out into the world, I share this with you. To my grandmother, who always insisted that she'd see me up here someday. To my parents, my wife, Laura, my kids, Hannah, Alice, and Max, I love you all so much. And finally, thank you to audiences all over the world who came out in historic numbers and embraced a movie about talking toys that hopefully had something very human to say. Thank you. Thank you! Thank you!

最佳動畫短片 Short Film (Animated) 
The Lost Thing
Wow, this is quite surreal. Our film is about a creature that nobody pays any attention to, so this is wonderfully ironic. The award really goes to our producer, Sophie Byrne, the true champion of this project for the past 10 years. Alongside Andrew and our splendid animation team of Leo Baker and Tom Bryant. The Oscar also goes to John Kassab, Mike Yezerski, Adrian Medhurst, Tim Minchin, Screen Australia, and everybody whose supported us with such generosity and patience. Many thanks to our families and friends, to my wife Anari, [FOREIGN LANGUAGE], and to Perth and Melbourne this one is to you too. (Shaun Tan)

Thank you, a very quick one, just say I love my wife, Jennifer Nadel, who is out there and my business partner and great friend, Jonathan Battsek, and everybody at Passion Pictures. And this is dedicated to all lost things everywhere. Thank you(Andrew Ruhemann)

Thanks Academy (Shaun Tan)

最佳女配角 Actress in a Supporting Role
梅麗莎里歐 燃燒鬥魂 Melissa Leo in The Fighter

噢天、噢天啊!噢哇 真的、真的、真的、真的、真的、實在哇。我知道有很多人在過去這幾個月對我說了很多真的真的很好的話,但我現在只能雙腳發抖。Ok,好。感謝大衛O.羅素。我想感謝我們的演員,馬克華柏格、可能會上台拿第二座獎的克里斯汀貝爾、我窩心的姐妹淘艾美亞當斯、傑克、我們美麗的女兒們。OK。對,我有點說不出話。天啊,上面竟然也有人耶(往上揮手)。當兩年前我看凱特(溫斯蕾)上台時,看起來真是他_的簡單,糟糕!感謝艾莉絲華德、妳那敞開妳心房的美麗家人。我剛才看到米克在這裡。迪克,為娜娜歡呼一下吧?好吧,迪克不在場。非常感謝你們對我們敞開心房來拍這部片。我感謝過大衛了,我要再謝他一次。我的家人,我正在南美洲旅遊而無法和我一同前來的超棒兒子。沒關係,我很好傑克。感謝我媽媽和我爸爸和我哥哥(或弟弟)和我朋友和我所有的家人。最重要的我想感謝影藝學院、州長理事會和它們所有的會員,你們有些人今天在現場。這是一段了解學院的非凡歷程,感謝影藝學院,因為這是關於銷售影片並尊重這份行業!非常感謝你們。

Oh my, oh my God. Oh wow really, really, really, really, really, truly wow. I know there's a lot of people that said a lotta real real nice things to me for several months now, but I'm just shaking in my boots here. Ok, alright. Thank you David O. Russell. I want to thank the actors, Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale, he might run out for a second, Amy, my sweet sister Adams, Jack, our lovely daughters. OK. Yeah, I am kind of speechless. Golly sakes, there's people up there too. When I watched Kate two years ago, it looked so f***ing easy, opps! Alice Ward, your beautiful family that opened your hearts. I saw Mick here earlier. Dick, a shout out for Nana? Alright Dick's not in the room. Thank you so much, opening your hearts to all of us to make this film. I thanked David, I'll thank him again. My family, my beautiful son who is traveling right now in South America and can't join me. It's ok, I'm ok Jack. My Mom and my Dad and my brother and my friends and my family. I want to thank the very most of all, the Academy of Motion Picture Sciences, the Board of Governors, and all their members, whom many of you are here today. This has been a extraordinary journey in getting to know what the Academy is about and first and foremost, thank you Academy, because it's about selling motion pictures and respecting the work! Thank you so much.

最佳攝影 Achivement in Cinematography
瓦力菲斯特 全面啟動 Wally Pfister for Inception
Good God, what have you done? Thank you so much, this is a phenomenal honor for me. Thank you to the Academy for this great honor and for the respect you have shown for all cinematographers. I got to take a breath here for a minute. Breathe it in for a second. Where's that thing that shows you how much time, there it goes. None of what I did would have been possible without the incredible vision of my master Christopher Nolan. His're taking up my time. His work has inspired me for 12 years and continues to, he's a brilliant filmmaker as we all know. Much thanks to Emma Nolan, to Warner Brothers, to my fantastic union crew, and my family, Anna, Nick, Claire, and Mia and to my Mom and Dad. Thanks so much!

最佳藝術指導 Art Direction
勞勃史壯柏;場景佈置:凱倫歐哈拉 魔境夢遊 Robert Stromberg; Set Decoration: Karen O'Hara for Alice in Wonderland
Why didn't I lose that 20 lbs? First of all, the other nominees, Guy, all you guys deserve to be up here. Everyone at Disney from Iger and Ross and Bailey, Bruce Hendricks, Art Repola, the great Joe Roth. The Art Department led by Stefan Dechant, Crissy Wilson, and Todd Cherniawsky. This great set decorator. I'm standing here because of three people, Ken Ralston, the great Richard Zanuck, and the wacky world of Tim Burton. There he is! (Robert Stromberg)

Tim, this is yours. Thank you.(Karen O' Hara)

Meet me with a saw because half of this is yours. There's one last bit of art direction for a Tim Burton Film. There it is. Thank You Academy and to my wife and kids and I dedicate this to my Dad. (Robert Stromberg)



另一個大意外則是藍迪紐曼贏得最佳歌曲,雖然影藝學院對他寵愛有加,但正如他在得獎時帶點抱怨說的,他入圍了20次卻只得2次得超低得獎率,雖早在2002年時就以「怪獸電力公司」的 "If I Didn't Have You" 終於獲獎的補償,這次錦上添花可能就像許多奧斯卡觀測專家分析的,是表揚他對「玩具總動員」系列的貢獻,而非真正是本屆最佳,但這次的競爭顯然太弱,而且還破天荒只有四首歌曲入圍,連紐曼自己都忍不住對此酸影藝學院一下。




梅麗莎里歐在強敵環伺下仍突圍而出,可見她在美國人心中的特別地位,或許也是因為她的表演對美國人特別有股〝俗又有力〞的親切感,同理可證去年的珊卓布拉克,她令人側目地為自己在綜藝報上刊登廣告的作法雖嫌過於自傲,但看來確實是有奏效,我倒是不確定致詞中勢必令她名留奧斯卡青史的 "F" 名言會令多少投票給她的人繼續為她喝采,但相信許多人都會同意,她在「冰原之心」裡的細膩表演才是真正值得獲獎的。



湯姆胡波 (媽媽的故事)

梅麗莎里歐 (「天啊,上面竟然也有人耶。」)



瑪麗莎托梅 (查爾斯詹姆斯設計)

凱特布蘭琪 (紀凡西)

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